
Friday, May 26, 2006

Building eCommerce Store With Outsourcing Companies

Each year, more and more people are taking plunge into online purchasing. And more and more businesses are going online also. Why is this so?

Let’s take first the buyers’ perspective. Purchasing through the internet gives buyers the opportunity to buy alternative products, reduced time in sorting out products, and less time in resolving invoice and order discrepancies. Above all, they don’t have to go out of where they are. They just have to wait for their purchased products right at their doorsteps.

For the companies, think about these benefits. Companies who engage in eCommerce have the ability to expand its geographical reach, it can acquire customers from other countries. Being in eCommerce increases visibility for the company also. What more? Your store never closes! Even at 2:00 am, buyers can still go to your site.

One goal of a business organization is to maximize profit at the least cost. Being into eCommerce helps reduce labor costs as this reduces time and number of personnel required for the business to continue its operations, and expenses such as documentation, overtime, mail preparation, among others. Moreover, having an online store helps reduce delivery time resulting to more customer satisfaction.

Now, unless one of you in your company knows how to do this, who will you hire to build an eCommerce store for your company? Going back to the topic of being cost-effective, leasing a webmaster from an outsourcing company would be the most likely alternative for the company.

Hiring a webmaster agent from a staff leasing company gives the company who wants to go online several advantages. The biggest benefit the company could get would be having educated staff to work for it at the least price the company could spend. Most webmaster staffing companies put up their offices in countries with low living costs to be able to reduce also their expenses, thereby, charging low service fees to those who want to get their services. Companies who want to put up an online shop could also have access to the best webmasters as staff leasing companies try to get only the best from the pool of applicants vying for the job.

One more thing. It would also be for your company’s gain if you get a webmaster agent who gets to work for you full time. This way, all his efforts will be for your company’s good. Outsourcing companies like Agents of Value can pull these things off for you. Let us help you build your eCommerce store!

Article Source:

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

All Backlinks Are Not Created Equal

By: Anthony Kristovich III

Ok, we all know backlinks are a huge part of determining your site worth to most search engines. Each backlink to your site is a vote for it. Backlinks are the building blocks of SEO itself. We'll look into what should be on your mind as you are acquiring backlinks.

The first intuition is to see how many you can get. That's just one piece of the whole backlink pie. Search engines like Googlehave been around time and have a lot of brilliant minds working for them. A higher quality backlink is worth more towards higher search engine rankings.

Some things to consider about backlinks:
1. Age affects all backlinks. Google specifically weighs a backlink more with age. Backlinks gain in weight over time until after around 6 months they reach their full weight. Basically, it means that the effort you do building backlinks will be worth more and more.

2. Anchor text is hugely important. The words on the backlink itself from the other site also play into it appears the other site views your site. When the keywords you are optimizing for are used, the link gains a much higher quality. The thing to watch out for here is that the text is varying. Google picks up on when all of you backlinks have the same exact text.

3. Getting backlinks from sites with the same theme as yours will benefit you much more than non-relevant sites. This makes sense since a link to your health food site from a car site about old Mustangs isn't going to do much for a visitor, so it won't for Google either.

4. The better the reputation or Page Rank of a site that links to you, the higher quality it is. Fairly obvious. If CNN or Slashdot linked to you, that one backlink would likely outweigh all your other backlinks together.

5. The physical location of a backlink on the page can also be a noteable factor for search engines. Google in particular lends more weight to links the higher towards the top of the page. If there is surrounding content the links appear more natural so they are valued higher.

Reciprocal links are always the hot topic when talking SEO. The truth is, reciprocal linksare still alive and going well. Reciprocal links between websites with similar themes is natural and expected. Though I have read many many times of claims that reciprocal linking is dead, rest assured that quality reciprocal links are not going away anytime soon. Google for instance has its sights set on backlinks that were bought, and from link farms where 5 minutes after paying some money you have thousands of sites pointing to yours.

While there are many other factors such as the age of your websiteand how much content is on your website, those will be left to another article.

Backlinks are indeed the cornerstone of getting a websiteestablished on the Internet. Without enough backlinks visitors won't know your site exists, and search engines will put little weight to your website resulting in a further loss of potential traffic, which could make or break your site. The key is to go out knowing what backlinks you want and spend enough time to make your site known. Properly setup, your backlinks will keep your site popular with visitors for a long time to come.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Using Mini Web Sites For Promotions And Profits

By: Edward Rizzo

If you are looking to earn money working from home, Mini Web Sites are a great way to run your own business. Usually these are simple one or two page sites that are designed for selling a single product. They are a great way to offer a limited time offer and a great way to promote an affiliate program.

A mini site is basically a sales letter that is designed to
convert viewers into buyers, it is not there to provide detailed information about the product. This type of site can attract more viewers, which means more sales and more money for you. The time it takes to set up a mini website is very short. I have created 4 mini websites in one day

You could set up a few at a time with a couple different products. Make it a limited time offer, add a nice complimentary bonus and do a couple of little ads and a mailing to your list. Or, you can use it as a ‘Squeeze Page”. A squeeze page is nothing more than a simple website that has some very useful information directly related to the affiliate program you are promoting.

Use the page as a teaser. Put some very good, very useful information on your ‘squeeze page‘. This will get your readers and potential customers interested. Next, make sure you have a sign up box on the page. A place for your visitor to put there name and email address. They now become your lead. Now, have a report ready relating to the information on your site that you can send your new ‘leads’.

In this report point out all the benefits and features of your product that your promoting. Make sure you have the link to your affiliate program in that report. Try to have the link in there at least twice without making too obvious. Whatever you do, don’t make your report a pushy sales page. This will only scare your potential customer away.

Use these steps to create your mini websites.

- Find a profitable niche.
- Determine the best product to sell for that niche.
- Write a well crafted ad.
- Design a landing page or Squeeze Page

Make sure you do not include banners or other
advertising, these might distract the attention of your visitors, your only focus should be on selling your product.

Design a Mini Web Site
Each site should sell only one product and be optimized for just that product. Select keywords based on your product, that are popular enough to attract the amount of traffic you will need to make your site profitable, and always use your keywords in the title, heading tags, and graphic alt tags. Create an easy to use order form, one that is fast to fill out, you do not want to lose customers because it takes too much time or is too much trouble
to purchase your product.
Whatever you sell, start by quickly describing that particular product and keep your focus tight on that product. Try to pre sell your product by including several endorsements from people who are happy about using your product. After the endorsements, include several free bonuses to get your visitors even more excited about buying. Be careful not to have your bonuses over shadow your original product. Bonuses should also compliment your product as mentioned above.

To host your site look for a reliable hosting service, one that has a good track record for minimal down time. Use a host that allows multiple or unlimited sub domains.

Your mini website could actually be a sub domain of your main site. This will save you a good chunk of money in hosting fees. Select a domain name that includes your keywords this will also help your search engine rankings and get you more traffic.

Some benefits of Mini Sites are:
- Easier to optimize for search engine rankings.
- Inbound links to your sites will lead to a higher Google Page Rank.
- You can be an expert at whatever you sell or whatever service you offer.
- Higher traffic generated than regular web sites.

Mini sites are the easiest way to make some quick money because they do not require a large setup cost, and they are easy to design. All you need is a great idea and you are ready to make some money. There are also many software products that can churn out these mini websites very quickly and you don’t have to know html code to build them.

Online Marketing Success Secrets : Online Marketing

By: jim mack

What if I could show you How To create wealth on-line in the next 24 hours?

Would you be interested?

Of course you would! After all, we'll all aspiring to that end result. However, the point of this article isto show you the advertising power of the word *HOW*.
The first question that you were presented with in this article demonstrates the power of the word *How*. Let's take look another again.

Just think about it for a moment. As on-line marketers we are all searching for answers to our on-line problems/questions. We're all seeking the *How To* to get the solutions to our specific situation.

The words “How To create” taken from that sentence are really what kept you reading. You just can't resist the combination of *How To*. It creates an irresistible trigger in your subconscious mind that you just can't resist.

Here's a little test that you can try out on your spouse. Walk right up to him/her and say "Let me show you *How To* do this.” I'll bet you will get a reaction. Watch out though. It might not be the reaction that you were looking for!

Now here's the *Real Magic*. The word *How* becomes a real trigger when use in combination with other trigger words. The most powerful word in advertising of any kind is the word *you*. Here's the killer combination ("How You"). Man, that's powerful!

I was reading though a business opportunity magazine recently when I came across a full-page ad that caught my eye. Here are the *How* word combinations that were included in this one ad.

"Multi-Millionaire's 7-Step 'How-To' Success System"
"How To Make and Keep $1,000,000!"
"How You can use this proven..."
"How to use the awesome potential..."
"How You can take advantage....."
"How To turn product users......"
"Discover How You can use this...."

I'd bet he received a ton of responses from that ad alone. Power marketing requires powerful words and word combinations to be effective. Why not include these two trigger words in your web page headers, classified ads and headlines?

It's no great secret that you only have a few precious seconds to capture someone's attention with your written ad headlines, web page content or classified ads. As your prospects scan though your materials you must include trigger words or phrases that *catch* their attention. Once the *catch* is accomplished you
are then given an opportunity to drive home your message.

Using the *How You* word combination is perfect *bait* for creating that trigger that you need to hook them and "pull them in". It's personal (You) and also captivating (How). Use *How You* as a building block for creating all of your advertising materials. It's powerful and it works!

They just might increase your on-line profits though the roof!


The next time someone ask you a question,
just answer with the word *HOW?*.

The Techniques of Cross Promotion : SEO Techniques

By: Kathryn Wozniak

Cross promotions are not a new idea. They have been used by businesses for a very long time. For example, a real-estate company may promote a certain lawyer to close a sale, as the lawyer will promote that agency in his firm. A client may receive a booklet for free car washes when they buy a new car and the car wash puts up posters of the new models of cars that dealer has available.

The system is somewhat similar to the primitive barter system, where people traded items rather than using money. How can anything primitive fit into the online world of Internet marketing? Very easily. Cross promotions are, simply stated, a trade of advertising space. Instead of paying for advertising space on a site, you would place their ad on your page and yours on theirs.

There are many ways to use cross promotions in your internet business that can be an effective and cost efficient way to advertise.

One way is to use link exchanges. This is very effective when doing cross promotions with a company that is similar to yours, however you should be sure and never link to a page that is in direct competition with yours.

One of the best things about link exchanges is that some search engines are factoring in hits from the sites that are linked to your page to when determining the ranking. Therefore linking to a more popular site, can not only increase your advertising, and traffic, but also increase your search engine ranking.

When customers or potential customers subscribe to your ezine you can use this as an opportunity to use cross promotions. On the same page that the customer subscribes to your ezine, make available the opportunity to subscribe to another company’s ezine. You can even exchange ad space in ezines, and provide recommendations for those whom you cross promote with. You might even want to exchange column space in one another’s ezines.

Writing free articles that inform customers or potential customers with information that is useful
and accurate can create a reputation for you and your business. Soon readers will come to know you as an expert on the subject. In these articles the author uses a byline to help promote his site. Bylines can be a way to use cross promotions as well. You can use part of the space in your byline to recommend another’s product.

If you have been considering writing an ebook, a joint venture could mean increased profits for you and the person you are partnering with. Cross promotions through ebooks are an excellent way to allow for a wider topic and to promote both your business and your partner’s business. The ebook should contain information that will benefit both businesses and still be helpful to the reader.

A good example of using cross promotions through an ebook is to a site selling used video games partnering with a site selling gaming devices. These are two subjects that would interest the same reader and most likely lead the reader to both sites.

You should keep in mind that the recommendations that you make are a direct reflection of you, so choose your cross promotional businesses carefully. Know the person and the products reputation before you consider putting your company’s good name to theirs.

Also keep in mind that it would be nice as a shopper to be able to link from one site to another as a way to “shop around.“ Since this is usually not beneficial to you, never link or recommend a site that is in direct competition with you. Instead, recommend those who are similar, such as health and life insurance. If you ave a jewelry site you could link with a clothing site.

You can also cross promote yourself if you have several products or services that you offer. For instance you can offer a free ebook when the customer buys your software or service. You could offer an upgrade with the purchase of a certain product.

Remember your goal is to make sales for yourself and the best way to do it is to gain your customers confidence. This will go a long way towards your success.

What's the Difference Between Websites and Weblogs?

By: Gregg Hall

More and more, people don't have traditional websites: static things where pages can be added, updated or taken away. Instead, they write new material for their website when they feel like it, and then put it up on one page, with the most recent writing first. These people are running weblogs.

How Did Weblogs Start?

Many people say that there have been weblogs (or blogs, as they're sometimes called) for as long as there has been a web. Back when there were only a few thousand websites, the 'What's New' page that announced each new one (yes, there really was such a thing!) worked in just the same way as blogs do today.

Early weblogs included Scripting News, Robot Wisdom and Camworld, which all started in 1997. To begin with, blogs mostly consisted of often-updated lists of useful and amusing links to other websites, but it gradually became clear that the format was just as good for distributing longer articles. Blog software started to be developed, and their popularity quickly exploded. By 1999, everyone was talking about blogs.

Why are Blogs So Popular?

In recent years, the blog format has very much taken over from the 'personal home page'. People seem to find it much easier to just put a kind of public diary online, instead of putting up a little biography of themselves and a collection of articles. It's more personal, more fun, and more interactive day-to-day.

Businesses have started to open blogs too – in many ways, they're like a replacement for newsletters. A regularly-updated blog gives customers a great sense of what a business is like, while giving the business a great way to keep communicating with its customers and being useful to them, even when they're not buying anything right this minute.

In my opinion, the biggest reason for blogs' popularity is that they make publishing to the web very easy. You don't really have to know anything about what's happening behind the scenes: blogs finally make publishing your thoughts for everyone to see as easy as posting to a forum or sending an email. In a way, blogs fulfil the original promise of the web.

Weblog Software.

Today, there's a lot of blog software out there – if you want a blog, you're spoiled for choice. What you get will depend on how comfortable you are with technical stuff, and whether you want it to be part of your main website or not.

Movable Type. This is software that you install on your web server. You simply log in and type your post, and it creates your pages for you. Movable Type can be a little complex to set up, but you can use a version called Typepad that is hosted by its creators instead of using your server.

Blogger. You don't install Blogger on your server – instead, you give it your FTP password and let it upload files to your web server for you. If you don't have any hosting, you can also host blogs for free at Blogger's Blogspot. Blogger is owned by Google.

WordPress. WordPress is a free alternative to blogging software. It works in basically the same way as Movable Type, but without the restrictive licensing and with nicer-looking default templates. Many people have switched to WordPress out of frustration with Movable Type and not looked back. You have to host it on your own server, but it's very simple to set up – don't be scared!

LiveJournal. LiveJournal is a completely online service, meaning that it has nothing to do with your website, except that you can link to your LiveJournal if you want. LiveJournal is more social than most blogging, allowing you to join communities relating to your interest.

There are plenty of other online services, but they're all pretty much the same: MSN Spaces, AOL Journals, and so on. You're unlikely to get taken very seriously if you have a blog at any of these places, although it'd be easy. In the end, it's all about power versus convenience: the more work you put in to get your blog working, the more likely that it's going to be what you really wanted it to be. If you're creating a website anyway, you'd be silly not to put a blog on it.

Article Source:

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

What You Did Wrong With Your Domain Names!

Author: Mark Kessler

Trying to improve search engine rankings is just like a rubics cube. A puzzle that can keep you occupied for hours. How many times have you heard "They keep changing the rules?," and the frustrating part is...they don't even tell you what the rules are in the first place!

It's a proven fact, in trying to improve search engine rankings, that growing your site thru link popularity, by slowly acquiring incoming quality links, adding small amounts of fresh relevant content on a regular basis, using proper keyword density and placement, along with making your site "sticky" so your visitor's stay longer.

But now, there's something else that you have to know about! (and this is a big but!)

Google is starting to weigh in heavy on domain names. Not what your domain is, or how long you've had it. Google wants to know how long you plan on keeping it, as in, how long is it registered for!

They've begun NOT giving as much consideration to domains registered for just a year, thinking they might be spammers, making a quick hit and then they're out of here. If they see you're registered for 5 years, then you must be a serious business that has planned on being around for quite a long time.

I live about a five iron outside of DC and made my living on the radio. Helen Thomas, one of the all-time great White House correspondents, would always be chosen by President Reagan to ask questions at press conferences. Here's why:..She found out that the President had a fondness for the color red. So, Helen started wearing a red blazer to press conferences and he would always pick her out of a press room packed with other reporters.

So, in other words... put a red blazer on your web site, drop 50 bucks registering your domain name for several years and show Google, along with other search engines, you are serious about sticking around and wanting to improve search engine rankings.

Mark Kessler is the author of "Search Engine Tantra - The Path To Heightened Rankings!" A 7 part FREE mini-course. His web site, provides a wealth of information and resources to increase link popularity and improve search engine rankings.

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