
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

SEO HELP: Why Do Web Sites Fail?

Nearly 80% of all web sites fail. They fail because business owners do not have all the correct information they need. You fail when you don't get what you need, fail to spend the needed time or simply don't know what to do with your web site.

As people in general you're taught to find the least expensive options available. You're also taught you need to live up to the standards of the Joneses. As a business owner you can't have the best of both worlds.

Your business is important to you. And, you are important to your business. You want the best from your business. Your business deserves the best.

Buying a three or five page web site is like buying a 10-second advertisement on radio or television. The 10-second advertisement might sound like a great investment because of the low price . so you buy it. Regrettably, later you find you didn't have enough time to tell your potential customer what they really need to know. The three of five page web site is just like that.

Your web site should promote your business and provide your potential customers with enough information to make an educated decision ... and do business with you. Before buying a three or five page web site examine your competitors' web sites. Do they have a three or five page web site? Does it provide you enough information? Would you do business with them?

Your web site is either an extension of your business or your only business. As such, it is a salesperson that works 24-hours per day and never takes a vacation. You must spend the time to train it and give it the same information you would a salesperson.

Providing your web site with the tools for success helps it succeed. Your web site must know as much as you do about your products and services. It must answer the question - why should I do business with you? If you don't answer that question, your potential customers will go to your competition.

You're a business owner. You don't have time to learn a new marketing channel ... or do you?

Taking the time to learn how to use your new marketing tool will help you succeed. A web site is a dynamic entity that has direct interaction with your customers. Web sites are not passive advertisements.

Print, television and radio advertisements are passive. They do not interact with the customer. They sit there waiting for the customer to pay attention or they lose the customer.

Web sites are interactive. Your customer can visit different pages and learn additional information. Your customer can revisit sections ... they can go to new sections. Your customer is just like you ... she wants to enjoy the experience.

But how do you get your customer to your site?

Forty-six percent of a web site's visitors come through the search engines. Limiting your web site to three or five pages limits the number of ways your customers can find you. This web site has over 20 pages ... that's more than 20 ways the site can be found in the search engines.

Successful web sites have three things in common. They have more than five web pages. The business owner spent enough time providing the web site with the needed information for it to succeed. And, finally the business owner learned how to market with their web site.

You want your web site to be successful. Invest in it properly and it can succeed.

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